FAQs > Generate the Challan

1. How do the new payment systems benefit the taxpayer and the Commercial Tax Department?

2. Can I make a GST payment through a physical Challan?

No, physical Challans will not be accepted for the payment of GST. Payments can be made only by the Challan/s generated through the GST Portal (www.gst.gov.in.).

3. Are manual Challans applicable as allowed currently under the existing VAT regimes?

Manual or physical Challans are not allowed under the GST regime. It is mandatory to generate Challans online on the GST Portal.

4. How many types of Challans are prescribed for various taxes and payments to be paid under the GST regime?

There is single Challan prescribed for all taxes, fees, penalty, interest, and other payments to be made under the GST regime.

5. How many Challans can be created in a day?

There is no limit to the number of Challans that you can create in a day.

6. I created a Challan and later realised that I created the Challan with the incorrect amount. Can I go ahead and make the payment using the same Challan but making the payment with the correct amount at the bank’s portal?

No, any change in the amount of the Challan will not be allowed on the bank’s portal after generation of CPIN. You will need to generate a new Challan for any change in amount. The Challan with incorrect data, if unused, will automatically expire after 15 days.

7. If I misplace the printout of my Challan, who should I contact to get a duplicate Challan?

There is no need to keep the copy of Challan as all the records will be available at the GST Portal. You can get a copy of the same from the Dashboard > Services > Payments > Challan History section of the GST Portal.

8. Can a taxpayer issue one Cheque or Demand Draft (DD) for the total amount for multiple Challans?

No, a separate cheque or DD has to be issued for each and every Challan separately.

9. What are CPIN, CIN, and BRN?

10. How long is the CPIN valid? What will happen if my CPIN expires?

The validity period for a CPIN is 15 days. You cannot make GST payment once a CPIN expires. Additionally, date of expiry for the generated Challan is clearly mentioned on the Challan for your convenience.

11. If a CIN has been generated, is it proof that payment has been made and will the amount paid be credited to cash ledger?

Yes, a generated CIN is proof that the payment has been made successfully and yes, the amount paid will be credited to the cash ledger.

12. What should be done in case I have already generated a Challan to make an offline payment in a bank but now wish to make an online payment?

The Challan generated to make an offline payment cannot be used for making online payment. In such a case, you may generate a new Challan and use E-payment option to make the payment. The Challan created to make an offline payment will expire automatically on its expiry date mentioned in the challan.

13. Can an OIDAR registered taxpayer create Challan and make payment in all major and minor heads?

OIDAR registered taxpayer can generate Challan and make payment ONLY under IGST head. CGST, SGST & CESS heads are disabled for OIDAR taxpayer while creating challan, in both pre & post login mode.

The person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient may also make the deposit through international money transfer through Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) payment network.

14. I have generated a Challan for making payments. Can I cancel the same?

You cannot cancel challan for any mode of payment on the GST Portal.

15. Can I perform intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount available in Electronic Cash Ledger?

Yes, you can perform intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount, as available in Electronic Cash Ledger, using Form GST PMT-09. Form GST PMT-09 enables any registered taxpayer to perform, intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount, as available in Electronic Cash Ledger. Thus, a registered taxpayer can now file Form GST PMT-09 for transfer of any amount of tax, interest, penalty, fee or others, under one (major or minor) head to another (major or minor) head, as available in the Electronic Cash Ledger.

Navigate to Services > Ledgers > Electronic Cash Ledger > File GST PMT-09 For Transfer of Amount option to file Form GST PMT-09.

Selecting Reason for Challan > Overview

16. What are the options available as the reason for Challan?

Listed below are the options available as the reason for generating the Challan:

17. Which type of taxpayers/ persons can select the Reason ‘Monthly Payment for Quarterly Return’ while creating a Challan?

The Reason ‘Monthly Payment for Quarterly Return’ for Challan page can be selected by following types of taxpayers/ persons:

18. Is there any pre-requisite for a taxpayer to be able to select the reason for Challan as Monthly Payment for Quarterly return?

Listed below are the pre-requisites for a taxpayer to be able to select the reason for Challan as Monthly Payment for Quarterly return:

Profile Selection

19. If my profile is not selected as QRMP (Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payments) taxpayer, can I generate Challan with reason as MPQR?

No, the profile selection as QRMP is mandatory in order to be able to generate Challan with MPQR reason. Hence, you must select the profile first. Click here to know more profile selection.

20. Can a monthly filer of returns generate Challan as MPQR?

No, a monthly filer can generate Challan only with the reason Any other Payment and not MPQR.

Period for Challan Creation

21. Can I generate a Challan for all the three months of a quarter with MPQR as reason for creating a Challan?

No, you can make payment with MPQR reason only for first and second months of the quarter.

22. Can I generate two Challans for same period with the same reason?

Yes, you can generate multiple challans for the same period and with same reason.

Challan Creation - Pre login

23. What’s the pre-requisites of creating a Challan using pre login option?

You don’t need login to be able to select the reason for Challan, in case you choose the pre login option to generate Challan. You can directly access the URL www.gst.gov.in, and then navigate to Services > Payments > Create Challan option, enter your valid GSTIN/ Other Id (User Id for unregistered applicants to make any payments) and generate challan.


Note: You will not be able to save a Challan, in case you choose to generate Challan using the pre login option.

24. Will I be able to deposit an amount towards tax through the Challan created using pre login option?

Yes, all the options that are available for post login are also available in the Challan created in pre login option, including depositing amount towards tax .

25. Where can I check the status of challans that are generated in pre login?

The payment status of all the generated challans in pre login can be tracked by navigating to Services > Payments > Track Payment Status from the home page of GST portal without logging in.

Challan Creation - Post login

26. How can I view and select the Reason for Challan using the post login option?

You need to access the URL www.gst.gov.in and login to the portal using your valid credentials and then navigate to Services > Payments > Create Challan option.

27. Is the Reason for Challan page different from the one that gets displayed using pre login option?

No, the Reason for Challan page is similar to the ones that get displayed using the pre login option.

28. As compared to pre login what additional options are available on the Create Challan page when a taxpayer uses the post login option to create Challan?

When a taxpayer uses the post login option to generate a Challan, the SAVE and VIEW LEDGER BALANCE buttons get enabled. The SAVED CHALLAN and CHALLAN HISTORY tabs are also displayed on the Create Challan page of post login.



SAVE: The SAVE button enables the taxpayer to save a Challan before generating the same. The payment can be made later for a saved Challan.

SAVED CHALLAN: Taxpayer logged in to GST portal can view Challans (before CPIN is generated) saved during previous 7 days in the SAVED CHALLAN tab.  

CHALLAN HISTORY: All the generated challans can be viewed in the CHALLAN HISTORY tab along with their Payment status and reason for Challan details.

Selection of Challan Type  

29. Which options are available as types of MPQR challans for a taxpayer to select?

Taxpayer can exercise any of the below two options to deposit an amount towards tax in the first two months of the quarter:

1. 35% Challan: This option is also known as the Fixed Sum method. By choosing this option, a taxpayer can generate a Challan pre-populated with 35% of the tax liability discharged from electronic cash ledger in the last filed quarterly Form GSTR-3B (If he/she was already in QRMP Scheme during previous tax period) or 100% of the tax liability discharged from electronic cash ledger in the last filed monthly Form GSTR-3B (If he/she was a monthly filer of GSTR-3B during previous tax period).

2. Challan on self-assessment basis –Taxpayer can self-assess his current month’s liability (net of Input Tax Credit) and can generate a Challan for the same.

30. I have opted in/ am already in the QRMP Scheme which require filing of Form GSTR-3B return on quarterly basis. What options can I choose from to make deposit/payment of taxes?

You may choose any of the following two options to deposit amount in your electronic cash leger in Form PMT-06 for M1 and M2 months of the quarter.

i) Fixed Sum Method by generating 35% Challan: You don’t need to calculate or assess the Challan amount when choosing this payment option as the details will be auto populated and the taxpayer will not be able to edit/delete the tax or challan amount details.

ii) Self-assessment Method: Here you self-assess your current month’s liability (net of Input Tax Credit) and generate a Challan.

Note: For M3 of the quarter, you need to file your return in quarterly Form GSTR-3B through which you can adjust the amounts already deposited in your electronic cash ledger.

31. I have no liability in M1 or M2 of the quarter, in this case which Challan type should I select?

No deposit is required to be made by you if you have no liability in M1or M2 of the quarter and hence you need not to select any Challan type.

32. My electronic cash or credit ledger balance is more than my liability in M1 or M2 of the quarter. In this case which option should I select to pay Challan?

No deposit is required to be made by you if your electronic cash or credit ledger balance is more than your liability for M1 and M2 of a quarter.

Challan Type - 35% Challan

33. What is 35% Challan option while creating a Challan?

35% Challan is also known as the Fixed Sum method. By choosing this option, a taxpayer can generate a Challan pre-populated with  35% of the tax liability  discharged from electronic cash ledger in the last filed quarterly Form GSTR-3B (If he/she was already in QRMP Scheme during previous tax period) or 100% of the tax liability discharged from electronic cash ledger in the last filed monthly Form GSTR-3B (If he/she was a monthly filer of GSTR-3B during previous tax period).

34. Which type of taxpayers are eligible to select the 35% Challan option while creating a Challan?

The following types of taxpayers are eligible to select the 35% Challan option while creating a Monthly Payment Quarterly Return (MPQR) Challan.

• Registered taxpayer (Normal taxpayer, SEZ Developer, SEZ unit) who are in QRMP scheme

GST Practitioners acting on behalf of above taxpayers

35. What are the pre-conditions of selecting 35% Challan option while creating a MPQR Challan?

Following are the pre-conditions for selecting 35% Challan option while creating a MPQR challan:

36. I furnished my previous Form GSTR-3B return monthly, am I eligible to generate 35% Challan in GST Portal?

Yes, taxpayer who has furnished his/her previous Form GSTR-3B return monthly, can exercise 35% Challan option, if the taxpayer has opted in for QRMP scheme from the current quarter. In this case he/she has to pay 100% of the tax liability discharged from electronic cash ledger in their return in Form GSTR-3B for the preceding month, for M1 and M2 months of the current quarter.

37. I selected 35% Challan as type of challan while creating the challan. I am, however, not able to edit the details displayed on the challan page. Why?

35% challan type is an auto-generated challan and the challan amount is calculated by the system which cannot be edited. Only when you select the option of Challan on Self-assessment basis, you will be able to edit the challan amount details.

View Ledger Balance

38. What does the VIEW LEDGER BALANCE button display?

Taxpayers on post login, can view the summary of the Cash Balance of Cash Ledger available as on Date, by clicking the VIEW LEDGER BALANCE button. The amount is displayed major head-wise i.e., IGST, CGST, SGST/UTGST and CESS. The amount displayed under these heads are non-editable.

39. What are the different modes of e-payments in challan?

There are different Modes of E-Payments in challan such as by Net banking, Credit/Debit Card (CC/DC), BHIM UPI (UPI) etc. The new E-payment facility through Credit Card, Debit Card and UPI has been made available to taxpayers registered in certain States/UTs and will become available in other States/UTs soon. All these payment modes will be available in both pre and post login scenarios.

41. Can taxpayer use Credit/Debit card of Mastercard, Visa, RuPay, Diners etc. issued by any Indian Bank?

Yes, the taxpayer can use CC and DC of Mastercard, Visa, RuPay, Diners (CC only) issued by any Indian bank. 

42. For UPI payments, will the E-payment facility be available for every UPI ID?

For UPI payments, the e-payment facility will be available only to those UPI IDs which have been on-boarded by NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India).