Manual > Search an HSN Code

Where can I search the HSN code of specific goods or services on the GST Portal?

To search an HSN code of specific goods or services on the GST Portal, perform following steps:


1. Access the URL The GST Home page is displayed. Login to the GST Portal with valid credentials. Click the Services > User Services > Search HSN Code option.




Note: You can search for a particular HSN Code of specific goods or services, in pre-login mode on the GST Portal, by Navigating to Services > User Services > Search HSN Code option.


2. The Search HSN Code page is displayed.

Note: You can click the Download HSN Directory in Excel Format link to download the HSN details in an excel format.



2.1. To use Search HSN Chapter by Code functionality, enter at least first three characters of HSN Chapter code of the goods or services you want to search. You must type minimum three numeric values (first three value of HSN/Service Classification Code) to be able to search for particular goods or services.


Note: Only after a valid HSN/Service Classification Code is being entered and goods or services is selected from the list displayed, the SEARCH button is enabled.


2.1.a. Select the goods or service from the list displayed and enter Captcha code. Click the SEARCH button.



2.1.b. The search results are displayed in Chapter Head, Description, HSN Code, Technical Description, Commonly used Trade Description(s) and Other related HSN code(s) section. The Other related HSN code(s) section displays all the related codes available in 4, 6 or 8 digits. You can click the HSN code hyperlink to view further details.

Note: You can search for a particular HSN in post-login mode also, using the same navigation as pre-login.



2.1.c. The output details are then displayed.



2.2. To use Search HSN Chapter by Description functionality, enter at least first three characters of technical and/or trade descriptions of the requisite goods or services in the search box. You must type minimum three characters (Name of goods/service) to be able to search for particular goods or services.
Note: Select Goods or Services tab as per your requirement.



Note: The SEARCH button is enabled once minimum three characters are entered in the field, and results related to the keyword entered are displayed.

2.2.a. Select the goods or services from the list displayed and enter Captcha code. Click the SEARCH button.



2.2.b. The search results include the Chapter Head, Description, HSN Code, Technical Description, Commonly used Trade Description(s) and Other related HSN code(s). The Other related HSN code(s) section displays all the related codes available in 4, 6 or 8 digits. You can click the HSN code hyperlink to view further details.  

Note: You can search for a particular Goods/Service Description in post-login mode also, using the same navigation as pre-login. 

2.2.c. The output details are then displayed.



a) If HSN of any Goods/Service is otherwise valid but not available here, kindly raise a ticket on GST.

b) Disclaimer:

1. The revamped Search HSN tool algorithm is based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Language linked with e-invoice declaration database. Stated differently, the Search tool matches the queried HSN or description with those used by other taxpayers at the time of generating e-invoice. The facility therefore provides prevailing practice of HSN/ description used by IRN-generating taxpayers.

2. The Technical Description and corresponding Commonly used Trade description displayed here is as per the HSN description in the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 corresponding to the Trade description which are widely used by trade in general and are as per the declarations made by taxpayers at the IRN portal and the output displayed is dependent on the input provided by the user. These descriptions, as part of Search HSN facility, have been provided purely as a measure of   Taxpayers' facilitation and are not legally binding on the GST department.

3. Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the Search HSN facility, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes or any litigation as a legal and binding advice from the GST department/GSTN. GSTN hereby expressly disowns and repudiates any claims or liabilities (including but not limited to any third party claim or liability, of any nature, whatsoever) in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness of any information available through this facility, and against any intended purposes (of any kind whatsoever) by use thereof, by the taxpayer (whether used by taxpayer(s) directly or indirectly).